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Review Methodology | The Nerdy Noob

I know that choosing software can be a difficult and expensive process, and that being able to rely on accurate reviews is vital to informed decision making. Accordingly, the overarching aim of The Nerdy Noob is to provide trustworthy, well-researched information to our readers.

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of our content, I adhere to standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Below you’ll find the process that I typically apply to producting review content.

1. I analyse the market

First, I look at the context in which a product is being created and used. This helps me to:

  • get an understanding of where the software I’m reviewing sits in its marketplace
  • provide context on price
  • advise on its likely longevity

This process involves a significant amount of data collection, where I gather key information about the product being reviewed — for example subscription fees, userbase size, revenue, founding date, history etc.

2. I define review criteria

I then define a set of criteria against which a product should be judged. This varies by app type, but typically I’ll compile a list of tests that cover things like:

  • ease of use
  • key features
  • aesthetics
  • pricing
  • value for money
  • customer support

3. I test the product

Once I’ve defined our review criteria, I exhaustively test the product against it. This involves a lot of hands-on work and first-hand experience of software — for example, if I’m testing a store building tool, I’ll set up an actual store with it; when testing email marketing solutions I’ll create real newsletters.

I always aim to place any product I review in context, and I do this by comparing its features to those of key competing tools.

5. I edit the review

Once a review is ready, it will undergo a full edit to ensure that it fully adheres to The Nerdy Noob editorial policy.

This will involve fact-checking, grammar and spell checking, accessibility checks and rewording where necessary — all with a view to making the review as accurate and as easy-to-understand as possible.

6. I return to the review and update it

Once a product review is published, I don’t just leave it at that. I regularly return to it, making sure that it is up to date and taking account of any feature or pricing changes that may have been introduced.

Most of the reviews on my site are updated on a monthly or quarterly basis — meaning that you can have confidence in their accuracy.

7. I take user feedback on board

To further ensure impartiality and provide a rounded appraisal of a product, I invite my readers to submit their own thoughts on products. This can be either in the comments section of a post, or via my contact form. I am are also increasingly soliciting real-life users of products for their opinions and including these in reviews.

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